Kijoma takes over Silchester mesh network
on: Mon 22 of Dec, 2008 [14:38 UTC] (75119 reads)
Hot on the heels of our recent successful migration of a problematic and slow mesh system in Plaistow, West Sussex to our high speed and secure offering we have another one!
We have secured the take over of another mesh network and will be replacing it with our high speed network in the coming months. This time the existing network covers a relatively small area to the south of Silchester with speeds of up to 2 Mbps max. The new network to replace it will cover a larger area encompassing the RG7 2xx and RG26 5xx post codes.
click "read more" for details
The area to the south of Silchester, Hampshire has very few ADSL exchanges to cover a large area, the result is many people there either get no or very poor (sub 512kbps) broadband.
We have identified the areas encompassing the RG7 2xx and RG26 5xx post codes including Little London, Latchmere Green, Bramley Green (north) and Pamber as potentially capable of receiving our high speed service when it is in place. Click "Contact us" top left to enquire.
Service speeds on our new network are Up to 1.2 Mbps upload and 13 Mbps download at present during the installation phase.